Recently i’ve watched a documentary in netflix about the future of technology in the medicine area, and that goes for all the work areas.
How does technology really work? Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning are changing the way that we handle problems, but first of all we need to understand what are those terms.
- Artificial Intelligence(AI): Briefly is intelligence demonstrated by machines, they “mimics” animals cognitive capacities/functions such as learning and problem solving.
- Machine Learning: An artificial intelligence technique, the name already give a sub understanding on what this theme is about. The machine learning consists in the use of algorithms in computers so they can collect data and learn from them.
- Deep Learning: Its a subset of machine learning, it uses neural networks to facilitate/optimize the machine learning, while traditional programs build analysis with data in a linear way, the deep learning connects neuron nodes like a web.
“TensorFlow™ is an open source software library for high performance numerical computation. Its flexible architecture allows easy deployment of computation across a variety of platforms (CPUs, GPUs, TPUs), and from desktops to clusters of servers to mobile and edge devices. Originally developed by researchers and engineers from the Google Brain team within Google’s AI organization, it comes with strong support for machine learning and deep learning and the flexible numerical computation core is used across many other scientific domains.”
IBM Watson
The Watson supercomputer processes at a rate of 80 teraflops (trillion floating point operations per second). To replicate (or surpass) a high-functioning human’s ability to answer questions, Watson accesses 90 servers with a combined data store of over 200 million pages of information, which it processes against six million logic rules. The system and its data are self-contained in a space that could accommodate 10 refrigerators.
What would the impacts of those technologies be, on the many areas of work today?
It would be possible to predict a cancer? Robots will act as lawyers?
Will schools robots make personal book’s according to the children’s facilities? Well guess that we’ll see that in the next years!
We are just crawling on Artificial Intelligence power, imagine what we will be capable of in the future. Technology is both interesting and frightening, but it’s up to you follow or not, it will continuously evolve, and in the 4.0 industry you have 2 options, follow and try to be competitive in the market or do not follow and be just one more non competitive/switchable worker.
14% of Brazilian jobs may disappear by 2030. The worrisome data, which would affect about 15.7 million jobs, is part of McKinsey’s research on the future of the labor market. The warning refers to the fact that systems using technologies such as artificial intelligence challenge the future of many professions in the next decade. The consultancy says that Brazil isn’t prepared for the vacancies that can be generated by the digital economy, by the lack of preparation of the work force. ‘People should consider migrating to activities that can not be easily automated.’ says Fernanda Mayol, a McKinsey associate.
-McKinsey’s research
João Victor Ibañez Marçura.